Vol. I
No. 1, Walsingham
Some early imprints have enharmonic notes in bar 97 which should read:

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No. 18: Barafostus Dreame
Bar 6.5 R1:
Delete stem.
No. 56: Passemezzo Pavan
Amendment to Commentary for bars 24-25:
Segno symbols repair an omission of a half bar, which should have come at 25.5. However, symbol orig. misplaced at the beginning of 25. LNB appears to have the correct reading: rh d´´ at 24.5 is played only on repetition, at which point f-sharp´ is omitted. Tr.’s repair is not a good solution and LNB employs a more suitable lh minim B-flat/f at 24.5 on repetition.
No. 58: The Carmans Whistle
Bar 11.4 R3
Should be semibreve (black without stem).
Bar 11.10 R1
Should be semibreve.
Bar 30.2 L2
Should be semibreve.
Bar 48.1 R1
Should be semibreve.
Bar 48.3 R1
Change to d’ f1′.
No. 67: The Woods So Wild
Bar 43:
R2: should be black semibreve.
Bar 46:
R1, notes 7-12: The notes have been displaced by one crotchet beat. The correct reading is as follows:
Vol. II
No. 103, Fantasia
Bar 101.3, R: Scale begins on d’.
Vol. III
No. 262, The Duchesse of Brunswicks Toye
Stray flat symbols in bars 3, 4 and 7 lh.