New thoughts on the Livre d’orgue de Limoges

New thoughts on the Livre d’orgue de Limoges

By Jon Baxendale Le Livre d’orgue de Limoges (hereafter Limoges) has been housed in the Bibliothèque francophone multimedia in Limoges (F-LG, MS 255) since being donated to the library in November 1990 by Christian Gaumy, a local bibliolater (Marissal, 2004, 121);...
The port de voix and its pincement

The port de voix and its pincement

  By Jon Baxendale (This post is adapted from the preface of Nicolas Lebègue, Pièces de clavecin et d’orgue, ed. J Baxendale (Tynset, Lyrebird Music, 2025). While the port de voix is an ornament associated with French baroque keyboard music, we know little about...